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Newsletter Summer 2022

By September 1, 2022January 17th, 2023NewsLetters

President’s Message
Greetings . I hope this message finds everybody happy, healthy, and out doing
fun things. Summer is nearly over and the start of school looms for many. The
OCRA EC has had a busy summer planning and organizing our August workshop in Springfield. A big thank you to all who participated to make it a success.
We had a small group of 28 participants (26 members).
The in-person meeting was well received and who could deny the joy of seeing
each other again? It truly was a program “by registrars for registrars”. No pretty
surgical explorations photos, but great information with a focus on quality and
accuracy for sure. We welcomed new CTR’s and new members, honored Dr.
Williamson with a Lifetime Honorary Member Award, presented Nicole Davis
with the 2022 DMA, and sold over $400.00 in raffle tickets for various baskets,
flowers, gift cards, table pieces and candy-filled coffee mugs. Not to mention the
two free memberships and two free 2023 OCRA workshop gift certificates that
all attendees were eligible to win. The Welcome Committee presented a video of
‘OCRA Through the Years’ that highlighted much of our history, those who retired, and those we have lost. It was a full day.
Congratulations to our new 2023 EC. You will be in good hands with Bonnie
Kubli leading OCRA as your new President, Rebecca Berwager as your new
Treasurer and Marsha Beal serving as your 2023 Secretary. Last but not least,
Laura Wallace is your President-elect and learning the ropes for her 2024 debut
as OCRA President. We were successful in securing committee positions for
2023 as well. A BIG thank you to all who signed up for the coming year.
We continue to provide member spotlights in this issue. Just remember, your
time will come. We will continue to spotlight members until we have made it
around to all. After all members have been represented, we will have a standard
process of providing a spotlight for any new member as they join OCRA.
Please save the date for our ZOOM business meeting currently scheduled for
November 2nd, 2022. We have some necessary By-laws changes to go over, as
well as the financials, so please plan to attend. Your input is important and all
votes count. Invitations are coming soon.
Thank you.
Shelley Lindsey, OCRA President 2022
